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The Herald

"The Ongoing Conversation"
By Apostle Steve Anderson


                              HERALD: AN OFFICIAL MESSENGER SENT BY                                                                                                     
                                             SOVEREIGN COMMANDER  OF AN ARMY!

"The Ongoing Conversation"

Shalom in Jesus Name!

    In recent days I have been noticing some things in regards to sharing the most beautiful story ever told. Remember "For God loved the world so much, that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him would not suffer hell, but instead live forever in heaven (Paraphrased). The actual message of God's love for the lost is heard less and less and is even in danger of becoming illegal in most of this world. We see the Christians of this world becoming so educated in all the wonderful things available to us from God that we have lost our love of seeing people saved. We are always learning and never practicing. I have watched as many have developed so called skills as to who they might approach to tell about Christ . The overall result turned us into a people who share with almost no-one. People don't want to hear and we accommodate them.

    I would like to point out some things from Jesus instructions to us concerning this matter. In Matthew 28:19-20 & again in Mark 16:15, we are commanded to tell everyone the gospel! We have been tricked into a false comfort of sharing when we feel led to. I don't see in the instructions of our Lord that we are to make that choice at all. If we want to say along with the Apostle Paul that we are free from the guilt of all men, then like Paul we should share with the all so that some might be saved. Some say that this is not their ministry, but your God says it is. We forget that it is necessary from God's point of view that the message needs to be shared with all and that the very justice of God is at stake for those who receive Him and for those who reject Him! Our job is not to predetermine this outcome but to simply present the message so God can work! For example, how many of us were saved through God's dealings with us long after we had rejected His salvation message. Even though you may discern that someone is in no mood to hear about God, does not mean you should withhold the truth. Two wrong things happen when we make this error. 1. We have not given the power of the cross a chance to work. This power works through the spoken message!  2. You may actually now have blood on your hands by failing to deliver God's message that He commands you to speak. When Paul stated he was pure from the blood of all men (Acts 20:26) he was referring to the warning in Ezekiel 3:17-21. He was free from their blood because his mission was to warn every man Acts 20:31) 

    Beloved, most of us have erred in this area, and because of this the blood of an entire generation may now be upon us. We must change! Jesus has mandated us to go and preach and that means you and me!

    I would like to offer some positive ideas that I have been privileged to be a part of. I have noticed over the years, that those who are most successful at obeying the Lords command to share the gospel have through practice learned to share the gospel. They have some muscles in their soul that they have exercised until they got them in shape. These Christians have become very skilled when it comes to sharing God's word with the saved and the lost! They have developed what I like to call an ongoing conversation with the whole human race. You know the kind: They talk to the clerk when they are at the store, then the waiter in the restaurant, then the people seated next to them on the bus or plane, etc, etc, etc. Wow! They speak every chance they get! We need to learn from these examples and draw from their ideas and actions so we learn to do the same! These fanatics are not just people with boldness, courage and the gift of gab!  Most of them started out afraid like everyone else. Somewhere they made the choice to fear God more than man and to start speaking up! They wound up being that talking, zealous, fanatic that makes you squirm. You know the drill; you're hoping that when you go to dinner with them that they won't embarrass you by sharing about the Christ that you 're being ashamed of? When I check the Bible, I find that Jesus had and is still having an ongoing conversation with the whole human race! The Apostles did and still do! Now it is our turn and how shall we go down in church history?

    To overcome our disobedient shyness or in some case laziness and lack of concern/love or other excuses, I am going to suggest some steps we can engage in to overcome our problem (maybe you have a better idea-I'd love to know). First step (especially for the timid): Repent of your fear and ask God for help to overcome it. I will warn you, that if you pray this prayer and you're serious, God will help. He usually will put someone in your path and then whisper for you to step out and speak to them. You will know it's Him. The next step would be to obey Him and speak up! Step 2: Every expert has a solid knowledge behind them so they can be effective in any given situation. God's Word is loaded with instructions that will equip us to be good at our job of preaching the good news. 3. If you combine steps 1 & 2 and keep repeating them you will soon find yourself in a very addictive behavior. You will soon find yourself having that ongoing conversation with the whole human race. Then because of your sincere repentance you can now be free from the guilt of all men and you will have a new sense of pleasing God come into your life. One last suggestion, if you know someone that is always sharing the Lord with everyone, ask to hang out with them and tell them you hope to learn the same skills they have. When they ask you to take a turn do it. Remember your reward will be in hearing Jesus say "Well done thou good and faithful servant"! If we live our entire life, doing all the activities of the Bible, and exclude preaching (sharing) the good news,  I believe that we will not be hearing these words but perhaps another word from God instead. Matthew 25 - The goats that did not live the gospel were sent by Jesus to the Lake of Fire. The same happens with the gospel hearers in Matthew 7. This may sound foreign to you, but those who do not do the word, but are hearers only, according to James are deceived! In Matthew 7, Jesus says that there were many who thought they were saved and even prophesied, did miracles & cast out demons but because of their failure to do His word they did not make it to heaven! Jesus said to them I never knew you! Don't be the lawless ones Jesus was speaking about here, but rather listen to His word and then obey it. This most certainly includes the great commission for all of us!

May God light a fire under us so that we can be saved from the guilt of our generation!

Apostle Steve

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